Wednesday, October 5, 2011

“Aanhouer wen”!

It’s not about where you place but the fact that you finish. Two things occurred to me this weekend, true friends are hard to come by and 20km is a flippen far way to peddle.

Entering a triathlon is easy. Training for said triathlon is moderately daunting. Standing at the water’s edge, looking at your friend and loudly proclaiming “what the f&$@ am I doing here” , a reality struck from iron.

A week to go and the nerves started to settle in and I wondered if I would really make it. I could do each division of the triathlon on its own and was confident putting it all together would be fine. As the week wore on to the Saturday event, this certainty started to waiver. I would encourage Skirt with all my muster that #wecandothis and 86.7% of the time, bought my reassurances. Friday. Day before and the excitement really started to build. Bikes loaded and headed out to pick up my fellow tri-athlete wannabe. Seatbelts on and the N7 to the Namaqualand was the first hurdle. Good music, laughter and some seriously random photos allowed the trip to pass swiftly into the dust clouds of the dirt road. First stop... lasagne! The rest of our motley crew arrived to dig in and then lights out, for early morning risings to a overwhelming reality, the triathlon is TOMORROW.

With sleep failing me and so much to get done before the road once more would bend beneath the roar of the beast, I got started and soon woke the troops with promise of bacon and eggs.

Heading down the mountain to the Clanwilliam dam was a chance to still think about pulling out, at this stage, “hell no” was still firmly planted on my lips.

We got to the venue with time to spare and headed to the registration tents to get our race numbers and body markings. Let me tell you, once they hand you that little baggie with all your stuff in it, the reality really starts to kick in. It’s ok though, I still have 4 hours till I start, no sweat.

The atmosphere is party like, with people milling, bicycles getting racked and children playing in the water. Time crept by and Mr J went off to do his duathlon – good luck Mr J, I’m going to sit here and start chewing my finger nails.

The announcement came that the triathlon athletes need to start racking their bikes and make their way to the edge of the dam. Even though my theme song for this triathlon was “edge of glory” the nerves were getting a bit much and a racing mind allows for doubts to settle in. Down to the water we go nonetheless.

Now we are where I started this little blurb. “what the f&$@ am I doing here” - Skirt and I must have said that several times! #facepalm ‘ed even more and running in the opposite direction of the water seemed like a damn fine idea. Maar nee, voort gaan ons! Men’s race started with a bang and off they went. 5 minutes Pikkie. “Run in as far as you can” – what the hell Skirt, run in as far as I can?!?! I’m not sure... thoughts trailed off as a second bang sounded and as the water was reached, gulps of stolen air was all that filled my senses. The water was so expectedly cold. I dove in and started swimming, Skirt still running towards the marker... cheers dude, see you along the way.

When you are straining to breathe, the end is in sight but oh so far away you start to toil with the idea of turning back or putting up your hand, quitting. I wanted to but “just keep swimming” rung in my ears and I did just that. People were being pulled out the water, not a damn would that be me!

Coming out the water I said to myself that one was down and there were two more to go. Wet and muddy I reached my bike and started putting on my attire. Hopped on and started my 20km cycle. Now, for those of you who don’t know, and now those of you who do (@Skirt) 20km is not around a corner. Here, just keep swimming changed to just keep peddling. Id pass some cyclists and then they would pass me. Around the 8km mark for me I saw this familiar reddened face heading my way. How far is the turn around – its still vokken ver – GREAT!!! Again, you start to wonder, do I stop, give up? Not an option, #yougotthis! Halfway mark came and went and the headwind slowed me down to a crawl. I’m not last, that’s all that matters! A very kind speed cop kept stopping to give me water! Such a cherub and I was most grateful! Around the 15km mark I can see the town again. Glory hallelujah I did not take the wrong road, that could have been unfortunate! Then it was just one big massive hill and a little downhill to the cycles’ end! #FML! As I passed a few pedestrians heavily laden with groceries and to lift my failing spirits, I offered them a lift, they laughed and so did I. Pushing it up that last hill was agonising but sailing towards the bike racks a reprieve. Racked, helmet off, cap on and I started on my 5km run. Energy levels below zero but I have come this far, just a little further.

As I hit the trail my triathlon partner was coming down the hill. Kindly Skirt yelled words of encouragement and I knew I just had to keep going. I did. Never shuffled, never walked and never gave up. The 4 km mark was insight, and so too another. Unexpected and unbelievably awesome, like a angel from heaven, Miss M! Jogging with me and making sure I know that I’ve only got 500m to go meant worlds and as she left my side #onefootinfrontoftheother rang in my head.

As you get closer to the line, it moves, I swear, but a constant caught my eye and it stood where it was, thank you my finish line catcher. “270 is coming in and its...” his voice trailed off and I spontaneously turned to reveal my name. As I faced my victory, “270, with a big smile on her face, its Pikkie”

I cannot fully describe the feeling. Relief! Accomplishment! Exclamation! Others being proud of you and myself proud, allowed for a feeling all of the above encompasses and leaves you with, pure joy!

I did it. This much I know, but I did not do it alone! I carried all the wishes and encouragements with me. This was for me, proof, setting your mind to something allows for great things but I know, the love and support were the wings that carried me forward.

This is not the end, just the beginning, I can’t wait to feel that sense of triumph again! #bringiton